California Series - Post #3
I shot my last 3 rolls of film for 2018 in San Diego. I was out there for a few days and only had a few hours to myself and decided to shoot. The last few months have not been as productive as I had hoped but with the New Year upon us and not too much wedding photography, I plan on finishing some of my bodies of work.
Trying to connect my photos to make a cohesive body of work is challenging. But over the next few weeks I hope to finish my original series of work. As for my California series, I don’t have an end date for it. I plan on shooting and seeing where it takes me. I only travel to California a few times a year and when I do, I visit family. I carve out some time to shoot but only for a few hours or a whole day if I can.
These photos were taken from an area that I have frequented a lot over the years. It’s a great view of the beach and La Jolla. Black’s Beach is awesome, great views and the cliffs look very dramatic. Here are my images from that day, just 2 rolls of Kodak Portra 400 and 1 of Portra 800.