Welwyn Preserve
It's been a little bit since I have shot for my main on-going series. I feel I was on a roll 2 months ago and I think with shooting weddings for work, I kind of just didn't feel like picking up my camera. I have shot a few things between then and now but I wasn't particularly happy with what I shot.
I found this location by accident. I do a lot of engagement and wedding photos at Memorial Morgan Park at Glen Cove and I always saw this place on Google Maps when I went for my shoots. It seemed like an interesting location just looking through some of the photos online. There are a lot of ruined structures with graffiti and those were the photos people were posting. While I intended to photograph those and I did, I found the rest of the surroundings interesting enough to photograph. There is a lot of greenery and a pretty rough beach. Most of my photos were of these and while I did photograph the graffiti, my photos of those turned out so-so.
I started off using Kodak Portra 400 with my first roll. I ended switching to Fuji 400 Pro because I wanted to finish my last one. While there is nothing wrong with the Fuji film, you can get Kodak Portra at speeds of 160, 400, and 800. I am pretty much going to stick with Portra because I want to give my photos a consistent look. Anyways, here are the photos (all taken with my Mamiya 7II, last two were with Fuji Film).

Next week, I will review the Ricoh GR (digital) for a blog post.